Ajmal & "Mini Me"....

November 23, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I added Sahran to my collection this week, thanks to a new friend of mine, Diane.  I've got something really special in the works for Diane which I will hopefully be revealing this week!  I was very surprised at Sahran's tiny size when I first took him out of the box.  He is almost classic scale in proportion to some of my traditional scale models.  Next to my Ajmal resin he is just tiny, granted Ajmal is a very large traditional model.  I thought I'd share some photos just for fun to show the size comparison between these two!

Been hard at work all last week on customer orders.  I've got a little variety going on several native presentation sets and native halters.  It's been about a week since I last blogged, but some of these sets I don't want to be seen until they are completed because they are more like a surprise to my customers, so here's just a sneak peak!  Tied lots of tassels the other day....here's the pile before...

Then the pile after a few hours of wrapping below....  I figured out I can wrap an average of 40 tassels per hour.  That's just the wrapping part, the actual pre-tieing, cutting, and sometimes re-wrapping or silkening effect (hand brushing the tassels out) add on hours of extra time.  The bright blue ones need to be wrapped again with yellow, so those are only halfway there.  I'm glad to have all these tassels mostly done, that always feels like such an accomplishment!

I should have most of these new orders completed this week!  I'm giving myself a little more time with them because I had the misfortune of noticing I'm completely out of gold chain and shark teeth.  Nice job, Missy!  So that stuff is all in the mail and on it's way to me this week!  I want to get cowries done tomorrow, and then the assembly begins!  Stay tuned to see the finished stuff!

Every now and then when I'm working an idea will strike me with inspiration so hard that I just have to try it out.  The other night this happened.....  Even though Marwari wanted to try it on, it's an Arabian halter, actually more like part of a new group of 10.  It's just so dainty, and has that little bit of flash to it.  I figure I can use any color beads or combination of thread colors.  It's just plain fun!  This style will be showing up in my sales ads soon....

Since it is Sunday night and technically I'm trying to make myself take weekends off from making tack because it's probably good for my mental health I decided to take a mini break from my commissions and do something for me.  It's been bothering me that I haven't made a costume in such a long time.  It occurred to me that I have no saddles ready for a costume.  So tonight I hung out in front of the TV (anybody else watching the AMA's tonight?) and sculpted some saddles.  I did a variety of sizes and styles.  Very soon I will be working on a new Native costume, and a Dancing Horse Costume.  I think that Sahran and Ajmal both need Dancing Horse Costumes, actually! LOL!

Well that's all for now!  Just some Sunday night randomness for you!  Stay tuned to see more!


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