Meet the "Snow Princess"

January 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Snow Princess

A beautiful Arabian sculpture by Vicki Keeling, painted by Shannon Mayfield and finally haired by me!  Oh yeah, and unknowingly named by Diane Finazzo after I sent her pictures of this horse standing in the Minnesota snow.  She said "she looks like a snow princess" and so she was named.  The snow pictures didn't turn out so great, so these are not the snow pictures.  I also realized exposing my precious horse to the harsh Minnesota winter elements was probably not the greatest idea for her paint, though she seems no worse for the wear.

Vicki Keeling's Arabians are some of my absolute favorite in this hobby, there isn't a single sculpture of hers that I don't want!  After seeing this one in person, I'd love about 5 more.  This one might be my favorite Vicki sculpture ever.  She is also a very nice and large full size resin.  I had her painted to a light dapple grey by the talented Shannon Mayfield who managed to capture the soft expression of this horse's face with her work.  And finally, I got the honors of putting the icing on the cake by doing the hair on this horse.  I used white mohair, and this particular color had a lot of natural wave in it so the end effect gave her mane and tail a very ripply waved look.  She originally started with a different forelock that was more full and all pulled to the front, and I just decided it was overwhelming on her face, so I tore it out and got it right on the second try with a more subtle forelock that falls partly down her face and then some is pulled to her off-side.

I'm currently working on hairing another Keeling resin called "Abu", also painted by Shannon, owned by my friend Diane.  He is a gorgeous bright chestnut with a mixed mohair mane and tail.  I will be able to share finished photos of him pretty soon, probably next week sometime.  Diane has graciously agreed to let me hang onto Abu long enough to make him and Bint Nazeem some native halters because I so need a picture of these two together before they are to part ways!  Needless to say I am one smitten owner of one gorgeous Bint Nazeem and I just need more!  And I cannot wait to play "dress up" with these awesome horses!


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