Sales Piece! Golden Arabian Presentation Set
Well, I've found a little time to pick at a new presentation set in between being a new momma! I'm a little overdue with posting the news here, but I had my baby on August 15th, he came two weeks early but was born a happy healthy baby boy: Wyatt Gordon Halvas. I will do a separate blog on him soon though with some pictures to share! He is keeping me super busy but we are both doing wonderful! The halter on this new set is inspired by a reference photo I found of a real Arabian horse halter, and then I threw in some of my own touches and adapted this into a unique custom full set. I tried to find a link to it on my pinterest account but was surprised I don't have it on there, if I come across it I'll add it on here.
The halter features a custom chain brow-band with hand made dangling bead charms which fall beautifully down the horse's face. The nose band is also hand beaded with matching gold charms. The headstall is made of a pretty metallic gold overlaid with hand braided colorful accents, then covered with metal studs, and real Caribbean opal swarovski rhinestones for added sparkle. The headstall is adjustable with a buckle, and the throat lash adjusts in tightness with a sliding bead. Lead line is detachable.
The collar features dozens of hand tied and brushed silk tassels alternating in soft yellow and bright Caribbean blue, and varying in size for a dimensional effect. The collar is decorated to match the details of the halter with hand braided colorful accents, gold metal studs and more Caribbean opals. The center of the collar is decorated with a large Caribbean opal stone. All rope ends are finished with colorful wrappings, beads and tassels. The collar is attached by tying it behind the horse's neck.
This set is an original one-of-a-kind creation of mine, and I will not be making it again in these same colors. I'm also not currently accepting any custom orders on my work so if you like it, now is the time to grab it! I will periodically be listing unique sets to sell as I find time, but with a newborn to take care of my time is extremely limited at the moment. This set is made to fit the Peter Stone Arabian, but is adjustable and should fit some models that are larger in size. This set is priced to reflect the number of hours put into it and cost of materials. No detail was missed on this set, I put a lot of time into it, over 15 hours to be exact. This is a quality and very collectible piece. For details on purchasing or to see if it is still available view the ad on MH$P by visiting the link below:
9/9/15 - Set is sold, thanks Kate! :0) Thanks for reading and happy collecting everyone! Missy :0) Comments
great your work!
Jeff | | |
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